Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Confessions of an amateur pole-dancer and a reformed shopaholic

Pole-dancing, an unusual and fun activity (although I do recognize that it might not be so unusual, or fun, for professional pole-dancers). The challenge, the rhythm, the sexiness and the risk of falling on your head, all contribute to making this an unforgettable experience.

Pole-dancing classes are all the craze in Hollywood, on Hens nites and with fitness fanatics.

So what does pole-dancing have to do with being a shopaholic you ask (besides the obvious link of being popular in Hollywood). After watching ‘Confessions of a Shopaholic’, and relating a bit too well to Becky (I’m on a first/nick-name familiarity-level with Isla Fisher’s character), I realized that I too was once addicted to shopping. Unlike Becky, I was fortunate enough to pay off my credit cards without having to dispose of my worldly collection of shoes, accessories and clothes (oops, am I giving too much of the movie away here? Oh well, its all in the book anyways).

Click here for more information on this hilarious movie (Camille rating: ****). Click here to get to the book by Sophie Kinsella, on which the movie is loosely based (And we all know that the books are always better than the movies).

After witnessing the heart-breaking devastation of Becky (my new friend), I realised that there are lots of girls out there experiencing exactly that. Being a shopaholic is strongly discouraged by financial advisors, particularly given the Global Financial Crisis. I note that shopping to stimulate the economy can be valid justification, however, to avoid bankruptcy, I recommend you use this justification only in limited urgent circumstances.

So how do you cure your shopping addiction? Rebecca seems to suggest that the easiest and most effective way is by shifting your addiction to something else. As we are not all so lucky as to have a handsome Prince Charming waiting in the woodwork, I suggest an exercise addiction, pole-dancing in particular.

From one class, I can confirm that Pole-dancing is a fun, yet strenuous, workout. My muscles are still recovering. Regular pole-dancing appears to have lots of well-publicized benefits such as improvement in cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, posture and balance and strength and muscle tone. More on health benefits here.

Dance classes have the fun element that the gymming or jogging don’t seem to have and will no doubt improve your confidence levels, as you learn to strut your stuff upside down on a pole (in a sexy way, I'm sure). As for the social aspect, you can replace your girly shopping dates with girly pole-dancing classes (its better than girly cupcake-devouring sessions, although this option would stimulate the taste-buds AND the economy).

Just some of my random thoughts.

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